
Sam and Lynn

Original price was: $500.00.Current price is: $400.00.

!!!!    Sugar gliders for sale in Oklahoma !!!!

  • Sex: Males and Female 
  • Temperament: ★★★★★ Extremely Friendly
  • Status: Healthy And young
  • Sweeties  Are ready to go to new home
  • If the is Anything that you need to know about the pets, feel free to contact And we will give All the answers that you need


!!!!    Sugar gliders for sale in Oklahoma !!!!!


Sugar gliders for sale in Oklahoma


sugar gliders for sale portland oregon

Choosing Your  Sugar gliders


Both males and females make equally great pets.

There is a slight noticeable difference in temperament between male and females.

Females have a pouch on their bellies that appears as a slip about 1/2 inch wide. Male sugar gliders do not have pouches. Instead, they have a furry pendulous scrotum in front of the cloaca You Have to be choosing a pet based on individual temperaments rather than gender.

You Have to be prepared to house your Sugar gliders in A cage.

Sugar Gliders naturally live in colonies of 10-15 other sugar gliders,

they are consider as social animals and usually do better in homes if they are in pairs.

This is also why they have the instinct to bond with an entire group and tend to do very well in a family setting,

including with children and other pets

Probably one of the most unique things about Sugar Gliders as household pets is …

When fed this diet, your Gliders will have almost no discernible smell whatsoever. …

both male and female Sugar Gliders have equally sweet temperaments.

Male sugar gliders may be dominant when around other males,

especially if there is a female present. …

They will also rub on other sugar gliders and people, claiming them as theirs.

Males can be more outgoing and curious with new people and new things,

which make them bond easier.



Sugar gliders for sale in Oklahoma



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