

  • Sex:  Male 
  • Temperament: ★★★★★If you are looking for a playful hedgehog then he is the one you are looking for
  • Sweet male  ready to go to new home
  • If the is Anything that you need to know about the pets, feel free to contact And we will give All the answers that you need



!!!hedgehogs for sale in wisconsin!!!


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Choosing Your Hedgehog

Both males and females make equally great pets. There is no noticeable difference in temperament between male and females.

Males do not produce any extra odors and females do not have a heat cycle. You should choose a pet based on individual temperaments rather than gender.

You should be prepared to house your hedgehogs in his/her own cage.

Hedgehogs are solitary and territorial and usually require a cage of their own.

Caught in the Act                  hedgehogs for sale in michigan

If you see hedgehogs mating, this can be a better way of deciding which is which.

The male will be the one running round in circles, chasing the female, who will be making huffing noises and often giving the male the cold shoulder.

Once things progress, the male will be the one on top.

All good and well. But since hedgehogs are nocturnal and generally mate in the dark, we quite often don’t see them in the act. We more often hear them at it.

Choosing to get a male or a female hedgehog is a personal decision. Unlike many other animals both the male (boar) and female (sow) hedgehogs have an equal temperament, thereby the male is no more aggressive than a female, in fact once they get used to their owners, both males and females will react the same calmer way as they start to bond. 

So What Am I Looking For?

Well, you’re not looking for testicles. The hedgehog is ascrotal – literally doesn’t have a scrotum, its testes never descend and remain safely tucked inside its abdomen for its whole life.

hedgehogs for sale in wisconsin
hedgehogs for sale in wisconsin

You’re looking for a penile sheath. This will look very much like a sticky-out belly button and will appear about where you would expect to see a belly button, around halfway up the hedgehog’s belly, about 2 inches from its anus at the base of its tail.

The female’s vulva tends to stick out too, but you will find this right by the anus, at the base of the tail, no more than half a centimetre between the 2 holes.

So if you have managed to look at your hedgehog’s underside,and there is nothing to see in the middle of the belly, then you have a female.

So sexing your hedgehog is pretty easy when you know what to look for.

hedgehogs for sale in michigan

!!!hedgehogs for sale in wisconsin!!!


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